Joys of Motherhood

Horrible mom moments

So, we had a wonderful Kay-cee moment last night.

You see, I let Kay-cee (17 months) play in the tub after I get her all washed up because she loves the water, and it gives me time to clean up her evening mess and get her bed time stuff all in order.

Well, last night was no different, and I was finishing up getting her pajamas for the night, when I realize that my normally loud and full of life child has become extremely silent.  So, as my paranoid mom brain is running through a billion different accident reports, I’m sprinting into the bathroom.

You want to know what is waiting for me?  My daughter playing with her own floating turds. OMG! Really?

What’s worse, is this isn’t the first time it’s happened!

So, being the mom that I am, I put on a tattooing glove scooped the poop out and into the toilet, and the proceeded to give her a shower before I got her out.

I suggest more bath toys!

The joys of motherhood!

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